type c母座特点 3、type c母座支持从正反两面均可插入的“正反插”功能,可承受1万次反复插拔; 2、type c母座 大数据传输速度达到10Gbit/秒,也是USB 3.1的标准; 1、type c母座接口插座端的尺寸约为8.3mm×2.5mm纤薄设计; 4、配备Type-C连接器的标准规格连接线可通过3A电流,同时还支持**出现有USB供电能力的“USB PD”,可以提供 大100W 的电力。 1. 电气特性: 1-1. 端子额定电流:A current of 5.0A shall be applied collectively to VBUS pins and 1.25A applied to the VCONN pin with the return path through the corresponding GND pins. A MIN 0.25A shall be aplied individually to all other contacts. 1-2. 端子接触阻抗:40 Milliohms (MAX) initial for VBUS, GND and all other contacts. Maximum change (delta) of +10 Milliohms after environmental stresses. 1-3. 耐电压 : 100 V AC MIN (RMS). 1-4. 绝缘阻抗: 100 MEGOHMS MIN. 2. 机械特性: 2-1. 插入力: 5~20N at a maximum rate of 12.5mm per minute. 2-2. 拔出力: 8~20N up to 1000 mating cycles, and 6~20N after the specified insertion/extration or durability cycles at a maximum rate of 12.5mm per minute 2-3. 耐久插拔: 10000 cycles minimum. 2-4. 操作温度: -55°C TO +85°C